A Commentary on the Psalms: a book review
I was particularly excited about reviewing A Commentary on the Psalms, Volume 1 (1-41), part of the Kregel Exegetical Library. The Psalms are the book of the Bible I have spent the most time...
View ArticleBlessed is the One Whose Sins Are Forgiven: Psalm 32 (Seven Penitential Psalms)
The Seven Penitential Psalms were chosen because they teach us about confession; yet they do not all teach us in the same way. Our first psalm (Psalm 6) lamented personal suffering and sadness which...
View ArticleEntering Deeper into the Psalms: a book review
I know that I’m not alone in loving the Psalms. Many of us have found comfort, strength and words for prayer. My own love for the Psalms was whetted years ago when I read Eugene Peterson’s devotional...
View ArticleA Commentary on the Psalms: a book review
Thus far I am highly impressed by the Kregel Exegetical Library. I have reviewed Robert Chisholm’s commentary on Judges and Ruth and Allen Ross’s commentary on book one of the Psalms (Psalms 1-41)....
View ArticleSinging the Lord’s Song in a Foreign Land: a book review.
I love the Psalms. They reveal and revel in the goodness of God for his people Israel. The point to the coming Messiah. They are ‘a mirror for self-understanding,’ exploring the whole range of human...
View ArticleNotes on Ps. 131 (Poem)
Psalm 131, A Song of Ascent, of David. I kick and rage– proud heart, haughty eyes I thought I’d made my mark already. Insides spinning– a hope deferred–anxiety throbbing through my thighs. It’s...
View ArticleA Commentary on the Psalms: a book review
I’m enthusiastic about the Kregel Exegetical Library. I have read several volumes from the series and have been impressed by its depth and its usefulness for expository preaching. The first volume I...
View ArticlePreparing for Advent with Paraclete Press: Part 2
Advent starts this coming Sunday, December 3, though less liturgically minded congregations (such as the one I worship at) may have started their countdown already (this year, the Fourth Sunday of...
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