Thus far I am highly impressed by the Kregel Exegetical Library. I have reviewed Robert Chisholm’s commentary on Judges and Ruth and Allen Ross’s commentary on book one of the Psalms (Psalms 1-41). Both of those volumes combined exegetical depth with homiletic insight. These are commentaries which are sensitive to genre, literary style, and the historic setting of the text. They also are written by critically engaged confessional scholars and chock-full of insights. Now Allen Ross has returned with a second volume on the Psalms. A Commentary on the Psalms: Volume 2 (42-89) examines books two and three of the Psalms.
Because this is volume two of a proposed three volume treatment on the Psalms (Volume three planned for November 2014), this volume does not include the extensive and helpful introduction to the Psalms. Instead Ross jumps right into commenting on the text. Like the previous volume, Ross begins his commentary on each chapter with a fresh translation, notes on textual variants, a discussion of the composition and context, and an exegetical analysis. Then he provides a verse by verse commentary on the text. and concludes with a brief section on the message and application of the text. This format allows Ross to dig deeply into the language, history and message of the Psalms while drawing out the implications for our life now.
This is a great follow up to Ross’s Volume One and makes me look eagerly ahead to the next installment. I recommend this book for scholars, students and pastors. Anyone who is interested in exploring in-depth the Psalms, will find Ross an insightful guide [Ross wrote my intro to Biblical Hebrew text, so I am grateful to the ways he has opened up the Hebrew Scriptures to me]. The strength of this commentary is in its attention to exegetical details. I give this commentary five stars: ★★★★★
Notice of material connection: I received this book from Kregel Academic for the purposes of my honest review.